After a nice up-tick in freelance jobs over the past couple of years and lots of hard work, the Ratiofarm will be located at the internationally acclaimed Chicago coffee roaster Intelligentsia. I began working for them full time in July and the experience thus far has been nothing short of wonderful. My current title is Multimedia Designer, which encompasses graphic design, illustration, photography, and videography. I'm responsible for all the visuals for the roasting works, retail shops, and training labs in Chicago, Manhattan, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Atlanta, as well as the same duties for Kilogram Tea, formerly Intelligentsia's tea branch. I've also been able to work on a collaboration with The New Pornographers and I'm currently working on a promotional video for our upcoming Extraordinary Coffee Workshop in Ethiopia.
As an illustrator and designer, it's always been my goal to work with companies who are socially and environmentally conscious and, as such, being a part of this wonderful team is dream come true. If you're not familiar with Intelligentsia's ground-breaking work and the lengths that they go to to ensure that the farmers they work with are paid what they deserve while attaining and improving upon sustainable practices, I urge you to visit the website at your earliest convenience.
We've got a lot of delicious things we're about to roll out, so as that happens I'll be posting images here.